When to check the Pink Supermoon next week


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Dear Bullets Fans,


Your Morning Bullets Afternoon Brief is here.


Let’s take a look…

When to see the ‘Full Pink Moon,’ the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year

Face it – it’s been a rough few weeks.


We’ll take whatever silver linings we can get.


So, pay attention this week for the Pink Supermoon.


Image Source: Penn Live


It’ll be the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year.


But there’s one thing it won’t be – pink.


“The moon won’t actually appear to be pink. The “pink” moon that appears every April gets its nickname from the shrub-like wild phlox that covers the ground in the spring.”


{Here’s when you can expect to see it…}



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Your biggest fan,


Frederick Frost

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