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Your Morning Bullets Brief Updates are here! And that means trivia is, too.
On this day way back in 1935, Charles Darrow did something that would make him the first millionaire game designer.
What game did he patent?
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Image Source: Reuters
If you were holding your breath for the stimulus checks to be increased from $600 to $2,000, you might be in for a disappointment. The move to bolster these direct payments seems to have reached an impasse in Congress.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced a bill this week that would tie the $2,000 checks to measures that, while important to President Donald Trump, would not likely gain enough support from Democrats to pass. These issues include rolling back Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, and employing a group to investigate the election process.
“I do hope that in the days ahead–we only have a few days left in the session–that they will see the light and understand the suffering that is going on in this country,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
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Is this what the perfect stock looks like?
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Earlier this week, the first U.S. case of a new variation of the virus was discovered in Colorado, and experts believe the newest version will only increase the pressure on already overburdened hospitals.
“Because the variants spread more rapidly, they could lead to more cases and put even more strain on our already heavily burdened health-care systems,” said Dr. Henry Walke of the CDC. “Viruses constantly change through mutation and we expect to see new variants emerge over time.”
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