Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
Erik Lytikainen, the Founder of Viking Analytics is predicting that the market could be in for some fireworks this week.
Robert Epstein, Ph. D is worried about REAL election interference in 2020.
Yesterday, the House held a historical vote to impeach President Trump.
And the only thing bi-partisan about the vote was Democrats who jumped ship and sided with Republicans to vote “No.”
Curious how your state voted? Be sure to find out here.
So, now that this first part is over, the articles should head to the Senate where they’ll be resolved once and for all – right?
Well, not if Pelosi and her party of dirty Dems decide to give the Senate a shake down.
And it looks like the option is seriously on the table.
Their fears?
An unfair trial…
Which almost made coffee come out of my nose when I listened to it. Because I have a hell of a time thinking about anything that could be more unfair than the way the House handled the impeachment inquiry.
The Senate should be able to quickly put this whole debacle to rest.
Image Source: NBC News Instead, the House wants to drag out this process a little more.
I call it “Pelosi’s Impeachment Games.” And sadly, everyone that plays winds up losing. Most especially the American people.
Now, part of me isn’t complaining. Because each day this drags on, the less voters like it. And the more they support President Trump. But, with that said…
To anyone currently invested, or interested in investments in the stock market, please read this carefully. A software expert has created an algorithm that detects stock market trends with shocking accuracy. In fact, this software is so accurate that it’s original 1.0 version was bought by Charles Schwab for $20 million. The algorithm is extremely fast as well, and in this presentation, Tom will use it to make $1,050 in just 15 seconds. This is because it’s running 24/7, analyzing multiple sources of market data to track the aforementioned indicators, making it one of the most powerful investing tools ever created.
It’s hard to think of a Presidential election without thinking about good old Florida.
A recent Idaho science fair project went viral… and moldy!
And it might make you want to wash your hands a LOT more.
Source: The experiment started with 5 pieces of fresh, white bread (explained in the order shown…)
1 slice, the control, was untouched and put directly into the sample bag.
1 was touched by all 17 students – without washing their hands.
1 was touched by all 17 students after washing their hands with soap and water.
1 was touched by all 17 students who had only used hand sanitizer.
The last slice was wiped across a classroom laptop…
Why Everyone is Getting Rich Right Now – And You’re Not
Hundreds of thousands of Americans have been hit by a wave of wealth. Over the past year, the U.S. has minted an average of 1,800 new millionaires a day. How did they do it? For the first time in history, two of these millionaire investors have joined forces to help you learn the secret moneymaking strategy of the wealthy and connected.
Click here to watch their presentation.
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