Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
Today at 1 p.m. ET, Newt will be on camera LIVE for The 2019 American Health & Wealth Summit.
He’s going to reveal the details of the biggest breakthrough of his lifetime…
One that could save our broken healthcare system forever…
Click Here to Register for The 2019 American Health & Wealth Summit
Now, let’s dig in.
Gold has been on an incredible run.
Gold is up 12% in less than two months.
But I think it’s time for gold to take a break. And pull back.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still bullish on gold long term.
However, I think we have a great opportunity to make money on the pull back.
I’m going to short gold today.
Options and ETFs (GDX, GDXJ, GLD etc.)
I’ll keep you posted on the progress of my trade (win or lose).
What’s Elon Musk’s new project?
Link the brain with a smartphone…
The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX said his Neuralink devices will consist of a tiny chip connected to 1,000 wires measuring one-tenth the width of a human hair.
The chip features a USB-C port, the same adapter used by Apple’s Macbooks.
“If you’re going to stick something in a brain, you want it not to be large,” Musk said.
The purpose?
To use these devices by those seeking a memory boost or by stroke victims, cancer patients, quadriplegics or others with congenital defects.
Neuralink says you can place up to 10 units in a patient’s brain. And then connect it to your smartphone via an app.
Who will preform the surgery?
A robot of course…
But my understanding is that this will NOT work for Democrats….
There is nothing for the devices to hook up to…
AOC and Pelosi don’t like each other.
And AOC is making quite the name for herself.
She even called Speaker Pelosi racist.
What’s funny is Democrats don’t like her very much.
“She is a nobody. She is a freshman member of Congress with no power. She is not worth the speaker’s brainpower,” the source said.
Anyway… she’s a great distraction for the Democrats.
President Trump held a MAGA rally in North Carolina…
People lined-up at 4am with tents and coolers…
Highlights from the rally:
President Trump said he loves MAGA and will keep it around but the new slogan for 2020 is “Keep America Great.”
President Trump said voting for Democrats in 2020 will be a vote for “radical socialism and the destruction of the American dream” and, quite frankly, the destruction of our country.
President Trump says left-wing radicals see America as a “force for evil” and want to “demolish our Constitution.”
Watch President Trump take the stage…
BTW, the HOUSE voted 332-95 to DROP ALL Impeachment proceedings against Trump.
Trump WINS again!
I can’t get into all the news and interesting information out there in this one email, so what you’ll find here are articles, presentations, and resources I’m digging into and believe you should as well.
Where one deal can transform a small amount of money into millions. For some, even more.
In this special presentation, Robert reveals TWO private deals you can act on today.
After you do… life will never be the same.
Your biggest fan,
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
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