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Your Morning Bullets Brief Updates are here!
How much do you know about gold futures?
“An ounce of gold costs 67.8% more today than it did five years ago, in November 2015. On January 1st, only ten months ago, gold prices closed at $1,519 per ounce. Today, an ounce sells for over $1,900 on the London bullion market.”
And that facts was written on October 9 of this year – so it’s already a little out of date.
Here’s why trading gold futures can be much more lucrative than buying physical gold…
Image Source: Morning Bullets
It seemed the market was poised for a breather this morning, after a record-breaking day yesterday, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average broke 30,000 for the first time, and the S&P 500 saw a high at closing.
This morning, Dow futures were down .1%, while S&P 500 futures were flat and Nasdaq 100 futures had a .3% gain. Investors are anticipating minutes from a meeting of the Federal Reserve and the weekly jobless claims data.
And mortgage refinancing is up 5% this week, as new interest rates capture homeowner attention. More people are applying to buy a home, too, with applications increasing 4%.
Other Top Financial News
If you have more than $5,000 in the bank, you need to see this…
Sometimes the markets are just too volatile to even play with Nasdaq futures – which are the “sweet spot” for Josh Martinez.
But when that happens, he’s still got a game plan.
Like when the elections were raging and so was all of the confusion. When that was going on, Josh turned to gold futures.
And this is what he recommends if you’re thinking about doing the same thing…
Market Movers & Predictions
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Who made this famous quote?
“Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.”
Here’s where you can go to check your answer!
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Your biggest fan,
Fredrick Frost