These are the stocks you want to avoid right now

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Hey there, Bullets Fans –

Your Morning Bullets Brief Updates are here! And that means trivia is, too.

How many pages did Warren Buffett read each day, back when he was a beginning investor? 

Bonus points if you can name one of his favorite books of all time.

Think you know the answer? You can check it in the closing area down below!

The top 5 things you need to know before the market opens

Image Source: Morning Bullets

Stock futures indicated a positive day of trading ahead, after all three major benchmarks saw their best performances since November last week. The mania around the highly-shorted GameStop stock appeared to unwind last week as well, with shares plummeting 70%.

Meanwhile, Tesla announced that the company invested $1.5 billion in bitcoin.

“We expect to begin accepting bitcoin as a form of payment for our products in the near future, subject to applicable laws and initially on a limited basis, which we may or may not liquidate upon receipt,” officials said.

And Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said that if Congress passes Biden’s gargantuan stimulus, the country could be fully employed again by next year.

Also this week, former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial is slated to begin, though it appears “very unlikely” that a conviction will result.

In South Africa, the AstraZeneca vaccine has been tabled for now, as it doesn’t appear to be effective on the predominant strain there.

What else should you keep your eye on this morning?

Other News That Matters To You:

There is something very weird happening right now


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During the two years that followed the 2008 crisis, America went through the worst recession since the Great Depression.

And throughout that same two year timeframe when most Americans struggled to regain their footing, trading expert Andrew Keene found a unique way to make millions…

But how?

It was when he began to look closely at a company’s stock price data that he discovered an obscure 18-digit “code.” (clicking will opt you in to Profit Pregame’s free daily e-letter – Privacy Policy)

This “code” let him see when the hedge funds and investment banks were making incredibly lucrative trades.

Trades that wouldn’t make sense to the everyday American simply because the company wasn’t in the news.

And at that moment, he wondered if he could continuously tag along with these mysterious trades – taking a slice of the profits along the way.

So he tested it out…

And it worked better than he could have ever dreamed. (clicking will opt you into Profit Pregame’s free daily e-letter – Privacy Policy)


This is when you need to expect herd immunity

Image Source: Getty Images

The virus has already claimed the lives of over 460,000 Americans. Almost 27 million people in this country have had it at this point. We are obviously ready to put this behind us, and many had hoped that, by the summer months, it would be.

But President Joe Biden suggested it could be a while longer before we achieve herd immunity.

“The idea that this can be done and we can get to herd immunity much before the end of this summer is very difficult,” he said yesterday in an interview.

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, at least 75% of the people in this country would need to be inoculated for us to reach that milestone in the fight against the pandemic. He doesn’t believe we’ll get there until fall.

The president had previously committed to vaccinating 100 million people during his first 100 days in office, and he recently said he would like to aim for 1.5 million shots a day.

But how is Biden hoping to do this?

More Headline You Need To Read:

Thanks for reading once again! And don’t worry, I didn’t forget:

Here’s where you can go to check your answer!

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Your biggest fan,


Fredrick Frost

P.S.  How useful did you find today’s Morning Bullets? 

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Author: Fredrick Frost

Fedrick Frost is the Editor-in-Chief of Morning Bullets. He mainly writes about Politics, The Economy and breaking news. With over 35 years in jounralism he has been influential in helping the morning bullets newsletter readers be informed every morning.