Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
With all of the recent headlines, it’s easy to miss the good news.
Ransomware attacks are on the rise.
759 out of 948 attacks. Just over 80% of all attacks.
The total take?
More than $7.5 billion.
Find out why healthcare providers are the easiest marks. And what happens to your data if your provider is the next victim.
The same Swamp Mistress who says she’s fighting to protect the Constitution is now prepared to violate it.
Image Source: Victory Girls Blog As Jonathan Turley explains, “Articles of impeachment were not meant to be articles of barter. Just as the House elected not to seek to compel the testimony of critical witnesses, the Senate can make the same decision for its own house.”
Looks like we’re in for another one of those Constitutional Crises she’s always raving about. This time, she’s at the helm.
4 YEARS – NEVER <400%
This has never returned less than 400% over 4 years. Something big is happening in America… and almost no one is paying attention. A completely misunderstood asset is transforming our world–and making people rich (Barron’s estimates at least 20,000 people). A multimillionaire has written a fascinating analysis explaining how so many are now getting rich. His write up is posted free on this website here. Did you know this misunderstood asset has never returned less than 400% over any four-year period? A leading news source says this has created at least 20,000 new millionaires.
President Trump doesn’t miss a beat.
As powerful as these are, it’s really the next two strategies that offer a mean one-two punch.
A therapy dog in Franklin, Massachusetts just found himself on Santa’s Naughty List.
Source: YouTube Meet Ben Franklin, a dog in the doghouse for getting caught “red pawed” stealing gifts earmarked for kids in need.
Will Santa pardon Ben Franklin?
Today: Anyone Can Become an Angel Investor Robert Herjavec said it best during a recent, live broadcast: “The walls have finally come down. You no longer have to be rich, famous, or powerful to become an angel investor!”… And Congress has finally made it possible for you to take advantage of these life-changing deals.
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Your biggest fan,
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