Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Dear eMBers,
The Labor Department reported payrolls increased 164,000 in July.
Unemployment remained at 3.7%.
And the total labor force came in at a record-high 163.4 million.
President Trump held a press conference about the EU tariffs.
He announced a new deal that will boost U.S. beef sales to Europe.
“We love our farmers and ranchers,” he said. “With this announcement, we take one more step in giving them the level playing field they’ve been looking forward to for many years.”
Overall, duty-free beef exports will increase to $420 million from $150 million, a 150 percent increase.
President Trump kicked off the press conference by joking that his administration was working “on a 25% tariff on all Mercedes-Benz and BMWs coming into our nation”.
Watch the quick video here…
Is Facebook one step closer to reading your mind?
CNBC reported that Facebook has taken yet another step in developing its brain-computer interface.
By developing a device that can decode speech directly from the human brain onto a screen.
Take a look…
AOC’s chief of staff and communications director is leaving in a few weeks.
AOC’s office said in a statement:
“Saikat has decided to leave … to work with New Consensus to further develop plans for a Green New Deal. We are extraordinarily grateful for his service to advance a bold agenda …”
The shakeup comes as a result of controversy since Chakrabarti attacked more moderate members of the House majority.
Many referred to Chakrabarti as the “brain” of AOC’s operation.
And now that the “brain” is leaving, AOC could be in trouble.
AOC = Absence Of Cortex….
While some people in the world complain about the results of an election and declare that they won’t take part in the process anymore, others are simply not allowed not to vote.
Australia is one country where people are required to pay a fine for not participating in the election.
The fine is not huge, but still, it’s a penalty. For example, in 2010, 6,000 people didn’t show up at the election in Tasmania and each of them was fined $26.
I can’t get into all the news and interesting information out there in this one email, so what you’ll find here are articles, presentations, and resources I’m digging into and believe you should as well.
A few years ago, President Trump said:
“I think America is in financial trouble. I believe our government has been mismanaged. I’m afraid many of today’s middle class will become the new poor, or worse, slip into poverty, even after years of hard work.”
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