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So, without any further ado, let’s dig in… Image Source: The Federalist The Left is always trying to “change the narrative.”
That’s a euphemism for “come up with a convincing lie.”
This time, they’re trying to pass the buck for their terrible leadership in the wake of violent protests and shift the blame to Trump.
Except now there’s the whole problem of pretty much every word and deed both Kamala and Biden have uttered or performed since the violence first started.
For example, let’s take a look at all of the violent criminals that Kamala helped bail out of jail and set back out on the streets…
More News For Conservatives… Is This The Death Of Buy & Hold?
This is the story that absolutely NO Democrat wants you to read.
Let’s hear a little bit about what these former Democrat mayors have to say about what has happened to the Left:
“Today, we don’t recognize the Democratic Party,” the letter declared. “It has been moved so far to the left it can no longer claim to be advocates of the working class. The hard-working Minnesotans that built their lives and supported their families here on the Range have been abandoned by radical Democrats.”
“We didn’t choose to leave the Democratic Party, the party left us,” the mayors added. “Yet, four years ago, something wonderful happened. Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States, and he stood up to China, implemented tax cuts and fought for the working class.”
So who are these brave souls who are no longer “shy” Trump supporters?
Other Political Headlines…
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Frederick Frost
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