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“Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for ______ years.”
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Image Source: Reuters
Last night the Trump administration began the process of sending $600 stimulus checks to millions of struggling Americans, after the president signed the relief package earlier this week.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Twitter that the money “may begin to arrive in some accounts by direct deposit as early as tonight.”
Today the government will begin mailing out paper checks for those who do not have linked accounts.
“These payments are an integral part of our commitment to providing vital additional economic relief to the American people during this unprecedented time,” he said via email.
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Image Source: Healthline
We missed the vaccination goal of 20 million shots before 2020’s end, and, if we want to inoculate most of the population by summer, we will have to step it up a notch.
According to a doctor at Emory University, that would mean millions of doses need to be administered each day between now and then.
“If we’re going to get to have every single American who needs a vaccine and wants the vaccine, vaccinated by July we need to start vaccinating about 3 million people a day. That is a huge effort and it’s going to require a major coordinating effort and it’s going to require funding,” said Carlos del Rio.
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