Bored at home? Trump Campaign finds a way to get you involved from the comfort of your couch!


Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.

Dear Bullets Fans,

Your Morning Bullets Lunchtime Brief Updates is here!


Don’t care about politics? Here’s what’s happening in the markets.


And while you’re at it, why not check out the rest of tonight’s line up over at The Wealth365 Summit? This is what they have in store for the rest of the day:


  • Situational Awareness
  • How to Be FEARLESS When Trading the Markets – And Be More Profitable!
  • How to Make Trading a Simple “Yes” or “No” Decision
  • How to Time the Bottom in Stocks
  • The One Trading Strategy that Guarantees Potentially Steady Profits in Options
  • Micro and Mini Futures – the Next Big Thing


Don’t miss these, or the rest of the line up this weekend!


{Register NOW and Power-Up your Portfolio!}


Now, let’s dig in…



Sponsored Content:
You won’t hear this in the mainstream media
But there’s something incredible happening behind the scenes of the 2020 election…

Something that will shock even the most loyal fans of our President…

And it’s making Nancy even more nervous.If true, this could be the biggest story of the year. Because it will affect not only your future as an American — but also as an investor.

Click here to find out more about this election conspiracy…


Thanks for reading today and being a loyal subscriber.


If you thought this edition was helpful, please be sure to forward it along to anyone you know who could benefit from it. 


Stay tuned for our Afternoon Edition at 5:00pm EST.


Your biggest fan,


P.S.  We’d love your opinion.

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Not useful – 17.78%

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It was good – 43.38%

Very Useful – 24.35%

Note: Percentages are updated once per week on Sundays and include all feedback since inception.