Your daily source for trading strategies, tech news, and politically incorrect humor.
Fellow eMBers,
Today, I’ll continue with my research on 5G.
I found something very interesting.
Did you know Intel pulled out of the 5G race?
It’s shocking but it’s true.
And I’m going to tell you about it in our Silicon Valley section below.
INVESTOR INSIGHTS – 5G Primer (part 2)
As 5G rolls out to all of America, the stock market gains could be massive.
Because there is no room to cover this story in Morning Bullets.
That’s why I’m going to send you a separate email tomorrow afternoon.
Apple settled their long standing patent dispute with Qualcomm… for at least a whopping $4.5 billion (that’s $4,500,000,000).
Because of 5G.
Here’s the story:
Apple has been exclusively buying Intel’s modems (due to its fight with Qualcomm).
But they saw the writing on the wall.
And they determined Intel modems wouldn’t be ready in time for a 5G iPhone.
So they decided to pony up billions… and make up with Qualcomm.
Because Qualcomm’s 5G technology is WAY ahead of the others. (Side note: more than 18 manufacturers have already committed to launching 5G handsets with Qualcomm modems. They also recently announced the industry’s first System-on-Chip (SoC) 5G integrated mobile platform. What does this mean? Qualcomm is far and away the industry leader)
Do you know what happened right after the Apple / Qualcomm dispute was settled?
Intel dropped out of the 5G race. Just hours after the settlement.
Intel knew they couldn’t compete.
Here’s the article:
I can’t wait to finish my write up and share it with you tomorrow.
From Fake News to Fake Quotes…
Ian Bremmer (Time Magazine) completely made up a quote from President Trump.
Here is what he said (in a now-deleted tweet):
When pressed about the quote’s accuracy, he said the quote was “plausible” and represents the “state of media and the twitterverse today.”
Bremmer eventually apologized for fabricating the quote and said:
I think he followed the liberal playbook to a T:
Or in layman’s terms:
Lie -> Retract -> Apologize
In a sane world, this guy would be out of a job.
Not another crazy Hollywood star…
The once funny Jim Carrey unleashed another politically charged tweet.
Take a look:
Is he serious?
Or maybe he’s just practicing for his new movie:
Dumb and Mueller…
I can’t get into all the news and interesting information out there in this one email, so what you’ll find here are articles, presentations, and resources I’m digging into and believe you should as well.
But tomorrow at 3pm will be our 5G finale.
And in the meantime check this out:
Your biggest fan,
P.S. We’d love your opinion.
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