A British stripper and her boyfriend steal more than $11,000 from fellow exotic dancer

A British stripper and her boyfriend steal more than ,000 from fellow exotic dancer

A jealous stripper and her boyfriend stole thousands of dollars from another exotic dancer earlier this year, and, yesterday, the couple was sentenced to jail.

Twenty-nine-year-old Gemma Lyons apparently became angry when a client spent $11,000 with her coworker, Mihaela Sasarman, instead of with her. She and her boyfriend, 36-year-old Nicholas Proctor, “hatched a plan” to get the money for themselves, officials say.

As Sasarman was leaving work early one morning, the couple followed her to the subway. 

What the couple did next is pretty disturbing. 

Lyons is set to serve five years in jail, while her boyfriend will be behind bars for five years. 

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Author: Fredrick Frost

Fedrick Frost is the Editor-in-Chief of Morning Bullets. He mainly writes about Politics, The Economy and breaking news. With over 35 years in jounralism he has been influential in helping the morning bullets newsletter readers be informed every morning.